A drink after work with the girls!

A couple of times I have gone for a drink after work with my English students. We go to a stall in the market and drink teukraluks, which are milkshakes made with bananas, mangoes, jackfruit and other seasonal fruit blended with condensed milk and crushed ice. Delicious, although rather sickly in large quantities. Of the three girls in the picture with me, only one, Kaknika in the middle, is currently an employee of CODEC. Leakhena in the pyjamas worked briefly for us, and is now waiting to go to America to join her American-Cambodian husband whom she met on the internet. Supnile on the right is the cousin of CODEC's accountant. Most of the CODEC staff are too busy out in the field to come to the office for English lessons every day, so I am currently teaching more non-staff than staff! I don't mind, as they are a pleasure to teach!