VSO Conference (Beach Beano!)

While I was in Sihanoukville, I gave blood for the first time in my life. One of the volunteers is a doctor there and she arranged a special blood giving session. I had a few problems (couldn't get enough blood out of one arm, so had to get some out of the other; spurting blood afterwards; felt faint; some bruising) but it wasn't too bad.
At the conference, I was elected on to the Volunteers Committee, which looks after the volunteers' interests and liaises with the VSO office. I was quite honoured to be chosen, as there was stiff competition. As a committee member, I will be travelling to Phnom Penh for meetings regularly, which will be good for my social life! The new committee will be responsible for organising next year’s conference. A very high standard was set this year, so I think we will have our work cut out.
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