The lady in this photo actually lives in a pigsty!! CoDeC agricultural staff have built a very smart concrete pigsty (including mosquito netting, no less!) for the benefit of a poor rural community. Good quality pigs have been purchased and a pig food production enterprise has been set up – see photo. The community selected this woman and her family to be the pig farmers for six months, and CoDeC gave them training in pig raising skills.

In return for their work in looking after the pigs, the family can keep some of the profit and at the end of the six months they can take two piglets home to raise for themselves. Another family will then be selected to be pig farmers for the next six months. The family think they have been very lucky to have had this opportunity. They are so poor that six months in a pigsty is attractive to them, even though they just sleep in hammocks, and have no electricity, kitchen or bathroom.

I found the smell quite overpowering, but I suppose that if you live in the pigsty you must get used to it.
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