Statistically, it was bound to happen. I have been involved in a motorbike accident. I had hired a motorbike to visit Kep during the Khmer New Year holiday, and I collided with another bike on a dirt road. The other guy's fault, needless to say. I found myself lying on the ground wondering who I was, where I was and what I was doing - a very strange experience! VSO emergency support was brilliant. I was taken to a local hospital where I was met by two VSO translators, who sorted everything out for me and then arranged for me to go to Phnom Penh to get a check up at a clinic and to recuperate at the VSO accommodation. The main damage was to my left hand, which swelled up to twice its usual size and sustained a couple of cracks in the meta-carpels, so I now have to wear a hot and smelly plaster cast for three weeks.

I had four stitches put in my upper lip, which puffed up to look like a duck's bill. After a few days rest in Phnom Penh I’ve returned to my life in Kampong Thom, but I’m still feeling a bit fragile. Getting dressed, opening jars and washing up are all very tricky, while washing my hair is impossible. On a brighter note, statistically I shouldn't have any more accidents now! P.S. Yes, I was wearing a helmet!