These are the top six possessions I value most here in Cambodia:
1 Mobile phone – my lifeline. My VSO friends and I send and receive lots of texts, and I can instantly contact home or be contacted if necessary. My mobile also serves as a torch during power cuts.
2 Motorbike – for getting around, giving me freedom and I love riding it!
3 Laptop – I couldn’t do my work without it; it comes to the office with me twice a day. I also use it to prepare e-mails, store photos and music, and it contains all the information I need most.
4 TV – for my aerobics programmes, keeping me up to date with news and so that I can veg in front of American movies. I watch far too much TV here, but it’s often too hot and I’m too tired to do much else. I now have a DVD player as well, and have some DVDs of British programmes which are very comforting to watch!
5 Fridge – for keeping ants out of food, keeping food fresh and for lovely cold drinks
6 Digital camera – for memories of my varied experiences, and also for making friends with local people. They love having their photo taken, and are in raptures if I subsequently bring them the prints