
It is now 2 months since the last rains, and it amazing how the landscape has changed in that time. Gushing rivers have subsided dramatically, leaving massive stretches of baked mud on their banks. What were lush green paddy fields have become brown, arid and dusty wastelands. When I stayed in Kampong Cham 2 months ago, the Mekong River was broad and fast flowing and could only be crossed by ferry boat, but the water is now so low that this week I was able to walk across the temporary bamboo bridge with a group of fellow VSO professionals. The dry season will continue for another 6 weeks, so the rivers will subside further, the dust will get worse and it will look like all the vegetation has died, but - hey presto! - the rains will then come with a vengeance to revive everything. Getting water for my house is becoming a problem. My water tank is filled from a pipe in the street, but this seems to be drying up quite regularly, so I am often left wondering when I am going to be able to flush the loo again!
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